



Premier Promises Government Support for Street Vendors

By Matthew Walsh, Caixin Global

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has vowed government support for street vendors as part of efforts to ease unemployment and revitalize small businesses following the country’s coronavirus epidemic.

“The street-stall and small-store economy is an important source of employment and human culinary culture — it’s part of China’s livelihood just as much as larger, high-end businesses,” Li told small business owners during a Monday inspection of the eastern city of Yantai, according to state media. “The country will only get better once markets, enterprises and individual traders get back on their feet and develop. We will give you our support.”

The premier’s remarks followed similar comments he made last week which have revived hopes that street sellers, a group long targeted by official campaigns, may soon be allowed to return to the country’s major cities.

China is trying to breathe life back into a national economy reeling from the impact of the deadly Covid-19 outbreak. The government has ditched its growth target for 2020 in order to give more targeted support for millions of struggling small and midsized businesses.

Officials have indicated that those efforts may include rehabilitating parts of the informal economy that have historically had tense relationships with the authorities, such as roadside food stalls. At a press conference on the sidelines of key political meetings last week, Li praised the southwestern city of Chengdu for reportedly creating 100,000 jobs overnight by setting up some 36,000 vending berths, according to the local Sichuan Daily newspaper.

Until a few years ago, many Chinese city centers buzzed with street sellers serving up steaming portions of fried rice, noodles, and other snacks. But waves of government crackdowns, often in the name of better food safety, urban beautification, or reducing pollution from outdoor grills, have forced many vendors into the suburbs or out of the market completely.

Beijing, for instance, purged vast numbers of stalls and other gray-area businesses from historic “hutong” neighborhoods. Officials said the move was part of efforts to clamp down on illegal structures and make the capital look more attractive.

Similarly, urban management officials in the eastern megacity of Shanghai booted out many mobile street vendors found to be operating without food licenses.

Although supporters claim the shutdowns improve the cities’ image and enhance public safety, opponents have criticized them for disproportionately targeting low-income residents and depriving cities of local color.

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Premier Promises Government Support for Street Vendors

By Matthew Walsh, Caixin Global

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has vowed government support for street vendors as part of efforts to ease unemployment and revitalize small businesses following the country's coronavirus epidemic.


表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个🌰:

While many models vow to go back to college, few do.



表示“小贩;摊贩”,英文解释为“a person who sells things, for example food or newspapers, usually outside on the street”,street vendors就是街头小贩,摊贩,摆地摊。

“The street-stall and small-store economy is an important source of employment and human culinary culture — it’s part of China's livelihood just as much as larger, high-end businesses,” Li told small business owners during a Monday inspection of the eastern city of Yantai, according to state media. “The country will only get better once markets, enterprises and individual traders get back on their feet and develop. We will give you our support.”



street-stall同样指地摊;stall作名词,表示“货摊,摊位,售货亭”,英文解释为“a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, especially at a market”,如:a market stall 集市上的货摊。

类似的有个词stand作名词,也可以表示“货摊;售货亭”(a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market),如:a hamburger stand 汉堡包售卖亭;a newspaper stand 报摊。


culinary /ˈkʌlɪnərɪ/ 表示“烹饪的;食物的”,英文解释为“connected with cooking or food”,如:culinary skills 烹饪技能。

前阵子在今天是什么日子?你一定猜不到:世界穿山甲日!一文中刚提到Pangolins, nocturnal animals that feast on ants, are highly sought after for their supposed, but unproven, medicinal benefits, and as a culinary delicacy. They are said to be the most trafficked wild animal in the world. 穿山甲是一种以蚂蚁为食的夜行动物,因为所谓的但未经证实的药用价值以及“饕餮美味”的标签而备受追捧。它们是全球走私量最大的哺乳动物。


此处用individual traders来指代个体工商户,在今年政府工作报告中,用的是self-employed individuals和self-employed people来表达。

2020年报告Part 8:小微企业、个体工商户所得税缴纳一律延缓到明年。The payment of corporate income taxes by micro and small businesses and self-employed individuals will be postponed to next year.

2020年报告Part 10:放宽小微企业、个体工商户登记经营场所限制, Location restrictions on business registration applying to micro and small enterprises and self-employed people will be relaxed,

be/get back on one's feet

表示“(病后)恢复健康,痊愈;振作起来”,英文解释为“to be healthy again after a period of illness”举个🌰:

"We'll soon have you back on your feet again," said the nurse.


📺美剧《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)中的台词提到:Henry. Good to see you back on your feet. 亨利 很高兴你恢复健康了

🎬电影《老板》(Boss)中的台词提到:Yes.  - Just until you get back on your feet. 好的  - 直到你重新振作起来。

🎬还是电影《老板》(Boss)中的台词:Thank goodness she's back on her feet. 谢天谢地她恢复健康了。

The premier's remarks followed similar comments he made last week which have revived hopes that street sellers, a group long targeted by official campaigns, may soon be allowed to return to the country's major cities.

China is trying to breathe life back into a national economy reeling from the impact of the deadly Covid-19 outbreak. The government has ditched its growth target for 2020 in order to give more targeted support for millions of struggling small and midsized businesses.

breathe life into sth

表示“带来起色;注入活力”,英文解释为“to bring new ideas and energy to something;to give someone/something another opportunity to do something, especially after there seemed to be no chance to do so”举个🌰:

We need some new people to breathe life into this project.


🎬电影《马利和我》(Marley and Me)中的台词提到:Well, I mean, I tried to breathe some life into it, 我试着让它有生命气息 / 我总让文章更加栩栩如生。

real from

表示“感到震惊;感觉心烦意乱”,英文解释为“to feel very shocked or upset about sth举个🌰:

I was still reeling from the shock.



表示“抛弃,遗弃,丢弃”(to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted),举个🌰:

She ditched her boyfriend.


FOX主播翠西被解约文中就提到过,《每日野兽》新闻周刊(Daily Beast)在标题中用的就是Ditch,指甩了某人。

Officials have indicated that those efforts may include rehabilitating parts of the informal economy that have historically had tense relationships with the authorities, such as roadside food stalls. At a press conference on the sidelines of key political meetings last week, Li praised the southwestern city of Chengdu for reportedly creating 100,000 jobs overnight by setting up some 36,000 vending berths, according to the local Sichuan Daily newspaper.



表示“(船、火车等上的)床铺;(船只在码头的)泊位”,英文解释为“a bed in a boat, train, etc., or a place for a ship or boat to stay in a port”举个🌰:

She booked a berth on the ferry from Qingdao to Shanghai.


此处用的vending berths表示摊位,貌似不太常见,Google中几乎没有相关说法;而常见的是另一个表达booth,可以指“临时货摊(或放映棚等)”(a  small tent or temporary structure at a market, an exhibition or a fairground , where you can buy things, get information or watch sth)

比如人民日报(People's Daily)在标题中就用的roadside booths来表示路边摊贩。

Until a few years ago, many Chinese city centers buzzed with street sellers serving up steaming portions of fried rice, noodles, and other snacks. But waves of government crackdowns, often in the name of better food safety, urban beautification, or reducing pollution from outdoor grills, have forced many vendors into the suburbs or out of the market completely.

buzz with

表示“充满兴奋(或活动等)”,英文解释为“to be full of excitement, activity, etc.”举个🌰:

The place was buzzing with journalists.


New York buzzes from dawn to dusk.


grill 烤炉,烤架

Beijing, for instance, purged vast numbers of stalls and other gray-area businesses from historic “hutong” neighborhoods. Officials said the move was part of efforts to clamp down on illegal structures and make the capital look more attractive.


表示“清除,清洗(不合意的事物)”,英文解释为“to remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable”,举个🌰:

We need to purge our sport of racism.


clamp down on

表示“取缔;严加限制”,英文解释为“To clamp down on people or activities means to take strong official action to stop or control them.”举个🌰:

The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.


Similarly, urban management officials in the eastern megacity of Shanghai booted out many mobile street vendors found to be operating without food licenses.

boot out

表示“解雇;撵走;逐出;迫使…离开;迫使…辞去”,英文解释为“to force someone to leave a job or not allow them to continue with an activity”举个🌰:

She was booted out of her highly paid job.


🎬电影《魔法师的学徒》(The Sorcerer's Apprentice)中的台词提到:You're going to get booted out of the pack! 你就会被驱逐出群体。

Although supporters claim the shutdowns improve the cities’ image and enhance public safety, opponents have criticized them for disproportionately targeting low-income residents and depriving cities of local color.


表示“不成比例地;不相称地;太大(或太小)地”,英文解释为“too large or too small when compared with sth else”举个🌰:

The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food.


deprive of

deprive sb/sth of sth,表示“剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有”,英文解释为“to prevent sb from having or doing sth, especially sth important举个🌰:

You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep.


local color

表示“乡土特色;地域色彩”,英文解释为“the special or unusual features of a place, especially as described or shown in a story, picture, or movie to make it seem more real”。

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